Welcome to The Church of Leesburg
Greetings from The Presiding Bishop
I greet you in the divine love of Jesus Christ. Welcome to the Church of
Leesburg website, where everybody is somebody!
It is our
prayer that as you journey through our ministry pages, you will get a
glimpse of our commitment to fulfilling the purpose that God has called us
- to evangelize the lost, to edify and equip the people of God through
teaching and preaching, and by sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. At
The Church of Leesburg, Jesus is being exalted through messages that teach
the people of God three main things: to hate sin, to love God and love
one another, and to understand and appreciate the principle of giving.
Regardless of your race, background or history, this is a place where you
are welcome. The Church of Leesburg believes in corporate prayer, praise
and worship and that holiness is a lifestyle that we must follow. We are
reverent in our worship, obedient to the move of the Holy Spirit, and
operate in the spirit of excellence, love and compassion.
If you
don’t have a church home, consider making The Church of Leesburg your
home. Of all the places you could choose, we believe “You belong with
for visiting our site and please keep us in your prayers.
The Son of a Living God, Apostle Malden Batten